
在 Git 中,分支是指针,它指向某个提交记录。在 Git 存储库中,默认情况下有一个名为 master 的主分支,该分支指向最新的提交记录。



创建一个名为 lgnew 的新分支

# 新建分支
$ git checkout -b lgnew
   Switched to a new branch 'lgnew'

# 查看状态
$ git status
On branch lgnew
nothing to commit, working tree clean

git checkout -bgit branch <branchname>git checkout <branchname> 两个命令的快捷方式。


我们在 lab 目录下,新建一个 test2.txt 文件,并提交

# 暂存
git add .\lab\test2.txt
# 提交
$ git commit -m "Added teset2.txt"
[lgnew ead2515] Added teset2.txt
1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 lab/test2.txt
# 查看状态
$ git status
On branch lgnew
nothing to commit, working tree clean


我们可以发现,我们在 lgnew 分支上的修改,并没有在主分支上显示。

# 切换主分支
git checkout master

# 查看状态
git status

# 暂存
git add .\lab\test3.txt

# 提交
git commit -m "Added teset3.txt"
[master da0a6f8] Added teset3.txt
1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 lab/test3.txt


git hist --all
* 1c78eab 2023-05-05 | Added teset3.txt (HEAD -> master) [aku]
| * 3d99c8f 2023-05-05 | Added teset2.txt (lgnew) [aku]
* 5dc8b1e 2023-05-05 | Added .gitignore [aku]
* b77158a 2023-05-05 | Moved test.txt to lab [aku]
* 929f644 2023-05-05 | Added 123456 to the test.txt [aku]
| * 739560c 2023-05-05 | Oops,an error committed (tag: oops) [aku]
| * 1ca1854 2023-05-05 | Revert "Added 123 to the test.txt" [aku]
| * 375f4fe 2023-05-05 | Added 123 to the test.txt [aku]
* d7f681f 2023-05-05 | Added abc to the test.txt (tag: v1) [aku]
* 01b8702 2023-05-05 | Add first file (tag: v1-beta) [aku]

Last updated